The Game Changer in Hearing Aid Success

Many people abandon hearing aids due to poor fittings that lack the precision of Real Ear Measurements (REM), which ensure accurate amplification and significantly improve user satisfaction and hearing quality.

June 3, 2024

Imagine getting a new pair of glasses without knowing your prescription. Instead of a precise prescription tailored to your eyesight, you're handed a random pair of glasses. Predictably, they don’t work well, and you might even abandon them entirely, thinking glasses are useless. This analogy, though seemingly absurd, parallels the experience many people have with hearing aids when they aren't fitted using Real Ear Measurements (REM). 

Many people abandon hearing aids because they don’t meet their expectations. Often, this disappointment is due to fittings that lack the precision of REM. By ensuring that hearing aids are programmed accurately, we can change the narrative for countless individuals, providing them with the tools they need to hear better and live fuller lives.

At Sioux Falls Audiology Associates in South Dakota, Dr. Mandy Norgaard employs this gold standard technique to ensure patients receive the exact amplification they need. We believe in the power of REM in the hearing aid fitting process and how this simple test can radically transform your hearing experience.

The Real Ear Measurement Difference

Understanding Real Ear Measurements

Real Ear Measurements (REM), also known as probe microphone measurements or speech mapping, involve a detailed process to fine-tune hearing aids. This technique measures the sound levels delivered by the hearing aid directly in the ear canal, ensuring the device provides the precise amplification required. REM is a crucial step that moves beyond the basic fitting methods many audiologists use, which often rely on generic algorithms and patient feedback alone.

The Standard Fitting Approach is Flawed

Traditionally, hearing aids are fitted by asking the patient a series of questions and making adjustments based on their subjective responses. This process often involves playing a few tones or words and asking, "How does that sound?" While patient feedback is valuable, this approach lacks the precision necessary for optimal hearing aid performance - it doesn’t give an accurate account of whether the devices are actually addressing your hearing needs. 

REM: Precision and Personalization

With REM, there is a way to take accurate measurements and ensure that your devices are actually doing their job properly! At Sioux Falls Audiology Associates, Dr. Norgaard takes REM first by inserting a thin probe microphone into the ear canal alongside the hearing aid. This microphone measures the sound levels directly at the eardrum while the hearing aid is in place. By playing pre-recorded speech samples, Dr. Norgaard can objectively measure how the hearing aid amplifies sounds across different frequencies. This data allows for precise adjustments, ensuring that the hearing aid matches the patient's unique hearing loss profile perfectly.

Why Real Ear Measurements Matter

Accurate Amplification

Hearing aids are sophisticated devices designed to amplify sounds to a level that compensates for a person’s specific hearing loss. Without REM, there’s a significant risk that the amplification will be either too weak or too strong, leading to dissatisfaction and discomfort. REM ensures that the amplification is just right, providing clarity without distortion or unnecessary loudness.

Improved Speech Understanding

One of the primary goals of using hearing aids is to improve speech understanding. REM allows audiologists to fine-tune the devices so that speech sounds are clear and understandable, even in challenging listening environments. This precision is especially beneficial in noisy settings where background noise can otherwise overwhelm speech.

Enhanced Comfort and Satisfaction

Hearing aids fitted without REM can cause discomfort due to improper amplification levels. Users might experience sounds that are too loud or too quiet, leading to frustration and potential abandonment of the aids. REM-fitted hearing aids are tailored to provide a natural and comfortable listening experience, increasing user satisfaction and encouraging consistent use.

Real Ear Measurements at Sioux Falls Audiology Associates

Our Commitment to Best Practices

At Sioux Falls Audiology Associates, we prioritize the highest standards of care. Dr. Mandy Norgaard and her team are committed to employing best practices, including Real Ear Measurements, to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients. This commitment is reflected in our comprehensive fitting process, which goes beyond the basics to provide a personalized and precise hearing solution.

The REM Process: Quick and Effective

The process of Real Ear Measurements is both quick and straightforward, typically taking between five to twenty minutes. Here’s what you can expect during a REM session at our clinic:

  1. Initial Assessment: We start with a thorough hearing assessment to understand your specific needs and the extent of your hearing loss.
  2. Insertion of Probe Microphone: A thin, probe-shaped microphone is gently placed into your ear canal alongside your hearing aid.
  3. Measurement and Adjustment: Pre-recorded speech samples are played, and the probe microphone measures the sound levels at your eardrum. Based on these readings, we make precise adjustments to the hearing aid’s settings.
  4. Validation: We recheck the settings to ensure the hearing aid provides the correct amplification across all frequencies.

The Benefits of Choosing Sioux Falls Audiology Associates

At Sioux Falls Audiology Associates, you will receive expert care from Dr. Norgaard, whose extensive training and commitment to best practices ensure the highest quality service. We are proud of our personalized approach, tailoring treatment plans to your unique hearing needs. Our use of REM technology allows us to fine-tune your hearing aids to their fullest potential, enhancing your ability to understand speech and experience everyday sounds.  

The Impact of Real Ear Measurements

Real Stories, Real Results

Consider the case of a patient who had been struggling with her hearing aids for years. Despite multiple adjustments, she never felt they worked well and was on the verge of giving up. After visiting Sioux Falls Audiology Associates and experiencing a fitting with REM, she reported a dramatic improvement. For the first time, her hearing aids provided clear, comfortable amplification tailored to her needs. This transformation underscores the profound impact that REM can have on a person’s hearing experience.

Changing the Narrative

Many people abandon hearing aids because they don’t meet their expectations. Often, this disappointment is due to fittings that lack the precision of REM. By ensuring that hearing aids are programmed accurately, we can change the narrative for countless individuals, providing them with the tools they need to hear better and live fuller lives.

Real Ear Measurement Fine-Tuning with an Audiologist

If you’ve struggled with hearing aids in the past or are considering them for the first time, it’s crucial to ensure that your provider uses Real Ear Measurements. At Sioux Falls Audiology Associates, we are dedicated to providing the best possible care through the use of advanced techniques and best practices. Don’t settle for less when it comes to your hearing health. Experience the difference that precise, personalized fitting can make.

Contact us today at Sioux Falls Audiology Associates to schedule an appointment with Dr. Norgaard and take the first step towards better hearing. Let us help you enjoy the sounds of life with clarity and comfort. Your hearing journey starts here, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

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Mandy Rounseville-Norgaard Au.D.
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Dr. Norgaard has over 15 years of experience in practicing audiology, and a lifetime of experience wearing hearing aids. Dr. Norgaard was born with significant hearing loss in both ears and has worn hearing devices since the age of 3.

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